The Final Results of The Iowa Caucus Guy Poll
Remember the Yard Sign Poll. Well, it's time to finish it, huh?
I will take questions.
Any changes to the way you are doing your poll?
Why yes, I decided not everyone has a yard. People rent. People live in apartments. People live on the side of a hill, I suppose. So I decided that I would count bumper stickers, too. Right? Putting a bumper sticker on your vehicle. That's a real commitment. Now, of course, I have no way of knowing if that is a brand-new Bernie bumper sticker or one from 2016. Heck, they may have bought the car used since then.Who knows?
So Bumper stickers, huh? Well, I think I see more radio station stickers than political ones.
Definitely, disc jockeys are way more than popular than politicians. The Morning Moose would be running third in our poll.
It's tough, though. I mean anything can look like an Andrew Yang sticker from 100 feet.
Ok. Any surprises?
Big ones. All of a sudden, I saw the damnedest things. I saw a Marianne Williamson sticker and a John Delaney yard sign. I've been fairly healthy this winter, so I know I saw these things, and it wasn't the cough medicine.
Well, the first major sprinkling of yard signs were for Tulsi Gabbard, and they seem to be still up, though Tulsi all-but-effectively ended her campaign in Iowa in October.
I have no idea why. Given the nature of the Caucus (the benefits of regional support, the ability of Republicans and Independents to show up on Caucus Night and participate in the Democratic Caucus), she would have done better than the pundits had predicted. I can only guess that maybe she thought she could throw support to Bernie and that would put him over the top. I am just speculating.
Ok, how about recent trends?
About a month ago was when you started seeing a bunch of Pete signs. I mean, I saw a couple back during Halloween, but they really shot up around Christmas. Interestingly, a number of Bernie signs have popped up in the last couple of weeks, too.
Did you do the same for the Republicans?
I did no, as I only saw Trump signs. Have you ever been to Western Iowa? Anyway, we can declare him the winner. I did actually see a Vermin Supreme bumper sticker and he is running as a Libertarian. In fact, until 7pm tonight, I think you could say, right now, he is actually winning the 2020 Election .
You are surely the only person doing this.
No. I actually ran across a twitter account doing the same in New Hampshire. Maybe, he's a long lost brother.
Let's wrap up. How confident do you feel about your results
I feel like that is a loaded question. Though, I did cross the state from Eastern to Western border, I did only a certain amount of travelling in the very north and very south. That said, at least, I know the names of all the candidates running.
In fact, I will take it one step further, I guarantee my results.
I guarantee them.
But what if the candidate you said is going to win doesn't win?
My poll is 100% accurate as of the morning of the Caucus, and if he manages to lose between now and 7pm, well, that's on him isn't it.
Okay, let's have the numbers:
Buttigeig 32.3%
Sanders 22.6%
Warren 16.1%
Gabbard 8.1%
Klobuchar 6.5%
Yang 4.8%
Biden 3.2%
Castro, Delaney, Bennet, Williamson 1.6%
I will see you at the Caucus!
I will take questions.
Any changes to the way you are doing your poll?
Why yes, I decided not everyone has a yard. People rent. People live in apartments. People live on the side of a hill, I suppose. So I decided that I would count bumper stickers, too. Right? Putting a bumper sticker on your vehicle. That's a real commitment. Now, of course, I have no way of knowing if that is a brand-new Bernie bumper sticker or one from 2016. Heck, they may have bought the car used since then.Who knows?
So Bumper stickers, huh? Well, I think I see more radio station stickers than political ones.
Definitely, disc jockeys are way more than popular than politicians. The Morning Moose would be running third in our poll.
It's tough, though. I mean anything can look like an Andrew Yang sticker from 100 feet.
Ok. Any surprises?
Big ones. All of a sudden, I saw the damnedest things. I saw a Marianne Williamson sticker and a John Delaney yard sign. I've been fairly healthy this winter, so I know I saw these things, and it wasn't the cough medicine.
Well, the first major sprinkling of yard signs were for Tulsi Gabbard, and they seem to be still up, though Tulsi all-but-effectively ended her campaign in Iowa in October.
I have no idea why. Given the nature of the Caucus (the benefits of regional support, the ability of Republicans and Independents to show up on Caucus Night and participate in the Democratic Caucus), she would have done better than the pundits had predicted. I can only guess that maybe she thought she could throw support to Bernie and that would put him over the top. I am just speculating.
Ok, how about recent trends?
About a month ago was when you started seeing a bunch of Pete signs. I mean, I saw a couple back during Halloween, but they really shot up around Christmas. Interestingly, a number of Bernie signs have popped up in the last couple of weeks, too.
Did you do the same for the Republicans?
I did no, as I only saw Trump signs. Have you ever been to Western Iowa? Anyway, we can declare him the winner. I did actually see a Vermin Supreme bumper sticker and he is running as a Libertarian. In fact, until 7pm tonight, I think you could say, right now, he is actually winning the 2020 Election .
You are surely the only person doing this.
No. I actually ran across a twitter account doing the same in New Hampshire. Maybe, he's a long lost brother.
Let's wrap up. How confident do you feel about your results
I feel like that is a loaded question. Though, I did cross the state from Eastern to Western border, I did only a certain amount of travelling in the very north and very south. That said, at least, I know the names of all the candidates running.
In fact, I will take it one step further, I guarantee my results.
I guarantee them.
But what if the candidate you said is going to win doesn't win?
My poll is 100% accurate as of the morning of the Caucus, and if he manages to lose between now and 7pm, well, that's on him isn't it.
Okay, let's have the numbers:
Buttigeig 32.3%
Sanders 22.6%
Warren 16.1%
Gabbard 8.1%
Klobuchar 6.5%
Yang 4.8%
Biden 3.2%
Castro, Delaney, Bennet, Williamson 1.6%
I will see you at the Caucus!
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