Catching up with Dan Taxation is Theft Behrman and the Libertarians
A little over 2 years, I started my 2020 Election blog. Although I classify myself as a Liberal, the blog has always had strong support from Libertarians. I think where we share is that I always think there's more than just "party politics" and the best benefits come from healthy discussion. Business books would advise you to get as many voices involved in a conversation as possible. In a world of division, I would maintain, we are still more similar than different. This blog went into more detail on that subject here.
In fact, I checked out the Libertarian Presidential Candidates doing an exercise where they liveblogged the last Democrat Debate.
Two things stood out to me. First, Ben Leder, Max Abamson, Dan Behrman, and Arvin Vohra all had excellent ideas that would be worthwhile in a greater dialogue. Second, they had healthy discourse and mutual respect. While Tulsi Gabbard and Tom Steyer get rude stares and cold shoulders on national tv from their party mates, the Libertarian candidates look like they will support whoever ends up being the nominee.
Back in August, I did a #voteyermusic feature on Dan Taxation is Theft Behrman. I find Behrman really interesting. With his bright yellow hat, he has been noticed by Los Angeles Times, Fortune, the Daily Dot, and the New York Times, and in those articles he generally gets mentioned with candidates like Caliph of God, Seven the Dog and Sexy Vegan.
It would be easy to pigeonhole Behrman, until you actually look at his platform. Yes, his slogan is "Legalize Pineapple Pizza" (which I take as let people be free to do what they want, no matter how unpopular it may be), but he also speaks to Healthcare, Education, Eminent Domain, the Drug War, homelessness, small business and Foreign War. I like Behrman's openness and willingness to engage, even with those disagree with. Though I don't always agree with Dan, I like that he does not go down the road of divisive politics.
My post on Behrman continues to be the most read one on my blog, and there have been a couple of interesting updates, so I thought he was worth another entry.
You can't mention Behrman without talking about his big yellow hat (The 2020 Hat Rushmore would undoubtedly be Behrman's Yellow Hat, Trump's MAGA, Vermin Supreme's Boot and Andrew Yang's MATH), and it's his Yellow Hat that got a High School Freshman in trouble.
...on Friday, the student, who we will refer to E, was approached by school staff members for wearing this hat. E tells us that he was wearing his hat at a time and place in which students are allowed to wear hats, but possibly due to the words on the hat, he was targeted. “The administration claimed that I can’t wear hats outside, when it actually says in the Florida Constitution that students can in fact wear hats or other headgear outside,” E told the Free Thought Project.
A few days later, E got suspended for five days for handing out campaign literature around ending the Drug War. Never mind, that E doesn't use drugs. Never mind that he was arguing that high school youth should not be tried as adults over drug offences. Never mind, marijuana seems to be legal in a half dozen new places every election cycle, and is mainstream political position for many.

I don't know E but I like him. I might have done something like that at his age. I was passionate about politics from the beginning, and although that does mean I probably was way too excited over Fritz Mondale back in the day, I think if you are reading this blog, you are probably a lifelong political news follower, too.
Behrman also is on top of the first big Libertarian poll that I have seen in awhile.

You can see the results by the group who held it over at The Torch Of Liberty
Dan Behrman 38%
Kim Ruff 11%
John McAfee 9%
Sam Robb 8%
Adam Kokesh 8%
Vermin Supreme 6%
Ken Armstrong 3%
Max Abramson 2%
Three tied with 1%
It is worth reading the analysis that The Torch of Liberty gives on their website.
Behrman had a significant lead and carried California, Texas, New York, Michigan, Florida, and Iowa, but he also did well in Libertarian battleground races like Maryland, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.
It is those states where the future of Libertarian Party may be decided, as Behrman, Ruff, McAfee, Supreme, Robb, and Kokesh all arguably can make a stand as the Party's standard bearer.
The Torch guys also gave some color to some hidden strength that might not be captured in the numbers. While they may be lower on the list, Max Abramson (Alabama, New Hampshire), Souraya Faas (Arkansas, Maine), Jedi Hill, and Ken Armstrong (both Virginia) all showed strong support in certain states and means that they cannot be left out of the conversation.
Armstrong (who we featured here in a VoteYerMusic post) makes for a really interesting story in that he is drawing strong support in Virginia and is attracting Libertarians and Constitution Party members as well. That Constitution contingent supported Virgil Goode in 2016 and might be come behind Armstrong.
One can't take the poll too seriously as it was an online poll of 251 Libertarian identified respondents. That said, it is the best Libertarian poll that I have seen online in many months, and they did a good job of identifying all the major candidates (something that really hadn't been done by any pollster to day).
I will end with a nod back towards Behrman, who most recent media event is offering $300,000 to where it actually says in the law that we have to pay income tax.
Now, it's the thing Bill Conklin did in the 80s, and for me, this is one of the times I don't agree with Behrman. Until Berhman is in the White House, I would advise everyone to pay their taxes. I saw Willie Nelson have to do Taco Bell commercials. I worked in Garnishments. I saw what happened to Mets pitcher Jerry Koosman. Don't chance it.
Still, a guy who legally changed his name to Taxation is Theft is nothing, if not colorful, so in a campaign season that has brought us Andrew Yang having Dividend lotteries and Dems holding raffles to get enough donations to make the televised debates (say, going to Hamilton with Chasten Buttiegieg; who am I not to let Dan have some fun and give money away.
In fact, I checked out the Libertarian Presidential Candidates doing an exercise where they liveblogged the last Democrat Debate.
Two things stood out to me. First, Ben Leder, Max Abamson, Dan Behrman, and Arvin Vohra all had excellent ideas that would be worthwhile in a greater dialogue. Second, they had healthy discourse and mutual respect. While Tulsi Gabbard and Tom Steyer get rude stares and cold shoulders on national tv from their party mates, the Libertarian candidates look like they will support whoever ends up being the nominee.
Back in August, I did a #voteyermusic feature on Dan Taxation is Theft Behrman. I find Behrman really interesting. With his bright yellow hat, he has been noticed by Los Angeles Times, Fortune, the Daily Dot, and the New York Times, and in those articles he generally gets mentioned with candidates like Caliph of God, Seven the Dog and Sexy Vegan.
It would be easy to pigeonhole Behrman, until you actually look at his platform. Yes, his slogan is "Legalize Pineapple Pizza" (which I take as let people be free to do what they want, no matter how unpopular it may be), but he also speaks to Healthcare, Education, Eminent Domain, the Drug War, homelessness, small business and Foreign War. I like Behrman's openness and willingness to engage, even with those disagree with. Though I don't always agree with Dan, I like that he does not go down the road of divisive politics.
My post on Behrman continues to be the most read one on my blog, and there have been a couple of interesting updates, so I thought he was worth another entry.
You can't mention Behrman without talking about his big yellow hat (The 2020 Hat Rushmore would undoubtedly be Behrman's Yellow Hat, Trump's MAGA, Vermin Supreme's Boot and Andrew Yang's MATH), and it's his Yellow Hat that got a High School Freshman in trouble.
...on Friday, the student, who we will refer to E, was approached by school staff members for wearing this hat. E tells us that he was wearing his hat at a time and place in which students are allowed to wear hats, but possibly due to the words on the hat, he was targeted. “The administration claimed that I can’t wear hats outside, when it actually says in the Florida Constitution that students can in fact wear hats or other headgear outside,” E told the Free Thought Project.
A few days later, E got suspended for five days for handing out campaign literature around ending the Drug War. Never mind, that E doesn't use drugs. Never mind that he was arguing that high school youth should not be tried as adults over drug offences. Never mind, marijuana seems to be legal in a half dozen new places every election cycle, and is mainstream political position for many.
I don't know E but I like him. I might have done something like that at his age. I was passionate about politics from the beginning, and although that does mean I probably was way too excited over Fritz Mondale back in the day, I think if you are reading this blog, you are probably a lifelong political news follower, too.
Behrman also is on top of the first big Libertarian poll that I have seen in awhile.

You can see the results by the group who held it over at The Torch Of Liberty
Dan Behrman 38%
Kim Ruff 11%
John McAfee 9%
Sam Robb 8%
Adam Kokesh 8%
Vermin Supreme 6%
Ken Armstrong 3%
Max Abramson 2%
Three tied with 1%
It is worth reading the analysis that The Torch of Liberty gives on their website.
Behrman had a significant lead and carried California, Texas, New York, Michigan, Florida, and Iowa, but he also did well in Libertarian battleground races like Maryland, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.
It is those states where the future of Libertarian Party may be decided, as Behrman, Ruff, McAfee, Supreme, Robb, and Kokesh all arguably can make a stand as the Party's standard bearer.
The Torch guys also gave some color to some hidden strength that might not be captured in the numbers. While they may be lower on the list, Max Abramson (Alabama, New Hampshire), Souraya Faas (Arkansas, Maine), Jedi Hill, and Ken Armstrong (both Virginia) all showed strong support in certain states and means that they cannot be left out of the conversation.
Armstrong (who we featured here in a VoteYerMusic post) makes for a really interesting story in that he is drawing strong support in Virginia and is attracting Libertarians and Constitution Party members as well. That Constitution contingent supported Virgil Goode in 2016 and might be come behind Armstrong.
One can't take the poll too seriously as it was an online poll of 251 Libertarian identified respondents. That said, it is the best Libertarian poll that I have seen online in many months, and they did a good job of identifying all the major candidates (something that really hadn't been done by any pollster to day).
I will end with a nod back towards Behrman, who most recent media event is offering $300,000 to where it actually says in the law that we have to pay income tax.
Now, it's the thing Bill Conklin did in the 80s, and for me, this is one of the times I don't agree with Behrman. Until Berhman is in the White House, I would advise everyone to pay their taxes. I saw Willie Nelson have to do Taco Bell commercials. I worked in Garnishments. I saw what happened to Mets pitcher Jerry Koosman. Don't chance it.
Still, a guy who legally changed his name to Taxation is Theft is nothing, if not colorful, so in a campaign season that has brought us Andrew Yang having Dividend lotteries and Dems holding raffles to get enough donations to make the televised debates (say, going to Hamilton with Chasten Buttiegieg; who am I not to let Dan have some fun and give money away.
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