2024 Election Starts Now

It's hard to believe that a year ago we were in a hotly contested race, and now things are pretty firmed up (if you couldn't tell from all the mudslinging).

This blog started as a place to share thoughts with a small group of friends, and evolved into something bigger.  I am fortunate for that, but as we are hitting this moment, I am more reflective than I am 'in the moment'.

I was fortunate to spend a few minutes with several candidates who came to Iowa- Pete Buttigieg, Dan Behrman, Adam Kokesh, Ken Armstrong and Sam Robb.  Although none of them will be on the General Election ballot, each one of them re-energized me in what it means to be a citizen, and work for a better future. 

There were at least a half dozen candidates who I saw either speak in person or communicated with via email.  As we move into the "At least, I am not as a bad option as my opponent" portion of the election, let's not forget the optimism of the early days, and good ideas do eventually win out.

Things in the world are serious, and the intention of the blog has been to keep things light.  You may hear less and less from me, but I won't ever go completely dark.

With that said, politicos are already looking towards 2024.

Tom LoBianco who wrote a fantastic biography of Mike Pence called Piety and Power and writes for places like Business Insider, Muck Rack as well as regular appearances on C-Span has put together  a rating list for 2024, which I am sharing here.

1. VP Mike Pence
2 Sen Ted Cruz
3. Former SC Gov Nikki Haley
4. Sen Tom Cotton of Ark
5.Fla Gov Ron DeSantis
6. Sec of State Mike Pompeo
7. Sen Marco Rubio
8. Sen Rick Scott of Fla
9.Md. Gov Larry Hogan
10.Sen Josh Hawley of Mo
11. Donald Trump Jr.

There is of course the wildcard that if Trump does not win in 2020, he would be popular enough to run again in 2024.

It is interesting to start to see some new names and wonder how things will shake out.

In a recent Atlantic article, Ronald Brownstein makes the assertion the Party is unlikely to move far from the Trump position.

Of course, as we monitor the playing field, we have seen our first candidate that did not run in 2020 that is staking a claim in 2024.

In this case, candidates, as Michael McIntosh's website for his 2024 campaign proclaims that he and his wife Crystal are running for President.

We are hardly to November 2020 at this point, but since this blog mixes music and politics, it should be noted that the MacIntoshes make music as the Young Astronauts Club, and it was pretty easy to find their stuff on the usual outlets, and it's pretty good.

Politics being this family's business, Alexander, Jr is already plotting a run in 2052, ostensibly when he is of that age.

Oh, have I got to part that MacIntosh is a time traveler and has seen the results of the 2024 election, where he beats Oprah.

A cynical take on this would be that MacIntosh is doing this to promote his music career.  Even if that is the case, he actually has a solid platform.

Under the theme of Make America The Greatest Again- he cuts a wide swath of views that could be classified mostly as Libertarian, but certainly are impossible to narrow down.

Among these are de-nuclearization, promotion of transhumanistic policies and of cryptocurrency, and cleaning up the Pacific.  Additionally, he has proposed making sure everyone has food, a place to live and access to mental health care, as well as forming a National Civil Rights committee.  He would, however, halt all immigration. 

Some interesting ideas he proposes including a "None of the Above" option for elections, and amending the eligibility for becoming President (You can die for the country as a soldier, but you can't run for President?).  Another issue he has to disclose all knowledge we have of ExtraTerrestials, a platform idea that Trump played with.

He also proposes moving the Capitol to Omaha, Nebraska.  While this may raise some eyebrows, we haven't moved the Capitol since there were only 13 states (all on the East Coast).  We are very much a country that is active from coast to coast.  Why not place the Capital in the middle?

Well, we have got plenty of time to do our research on MacIntosh before 2024 rolls around, but his views aren't so radical, and sometime the root of an idea takes awhile to grow.



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