#VoteYerMusic - Andy Williams Jr

This series is about combining my love for politics with my love for music.

We may not fully realize it, but we are in the midst of big changes.

While the Republican primary seems uneventful, we know that at some point, Donald Trump will cease to be  the party's nominee (either due to the 22nd Amendment or his fast food diet).  This will leave a huge hole for someone to try and pick up and fill.  With Reagan, it took a decade to find anyone even close to living up to that personality.  Sorry, Donald Jr, I'm not quite convinced.

The Democrats initial show of unity has given way to infighting and paranoia.  We can only guess at who the nominee will be and what the after-effects will be.

The Libertarian Party is also at an interesting crossroads, which could benefit from some of the fallout from what happens in the other two parties.  The result is a wide list of candidates from across a political spectrum, with varying ideas and experiences.  Also, of note, is a general support of each other.  The Libertarians have ran former Republican officeholders in the last three cycles.  The next nominee may be a fresh face to the National political stage like Ron Paul, Harry Browne or Ed Clark that can expand the party.

I have profiled a number of candidates here.  Today, I feature Andy Williams, Jr, a candidate for the Libertarian nomination for President.  I took notice of him when I heard mention of the upcoming Free and Equal Debate, as well as his activity at Libertarian Party events in Illinois, and most importantly being listed as a the Being Libertarian website as one of the top candidates for the nomination.

He was featured in the Kane County Paper who wrote:

Williams is a former offender who has implemented change on all levels of government locally and nationally by introducing legislation, advocating for homeowners in foreclosure, marching for immigration rights, as well as prison reform, the release stated. 

Williams has been a public servant in his hometown community for the last 19 years while working with local elected officials and community organizations, the release stated. Calling himself the Human “Rights” candidate, Williams stated in the release that his generation is the change the world needs.

I also checked out his website AWJ2020.com where he tells his life story and talks about his solutions for gang violence, criminal justice reform, and personal debt.  Williams is a Baptist Minister and Social Activist, and went from being troublesome youth to being a force of Good.

I asked Williams to share a little about his campaign, and he responded:

I am a human rights Candidate and the Candidate that is from the Hood and have been to prison. I’m diverse in that my step mom is white and my wife is Puerto Rican. I’m basically promising I’m going to do my job description based on the Constitution and ensure people’s basic human rights are not violated or oppressed. I have 2 campaign CD”s coming out. I love Human life and I’m going to make sure current and future generations don’t have to suffer unless they choose too.

Williams's voice is a good one to have in the conversation.  An aspect of Social Justice combined with a voice of Libertarianism.  He's ready to take on Donald Trump.

Thanks to Andy for taking his time to respond to my question, and be sure to check out his website for more.

Of course, I always ask the Candidate about their music of choice, and I think we would find some common ground.

I’m a diverse music 🎶 listener. I go back 45 years. Old school R&B, Worship music all genres, Late 80-mid 90 hip hop, and Neo soul.


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