Miscellaneous Debris: The Fifth Democratic Debate
Not that I necessarily planned on it, but I have watched most of the Democrat debates, and it feels natural to share my insights here. I did watch this weekend's Saturday Night Live, and to be honest, I think they nailed it. I grew up on SNL, so am really enjoying what I feel is them hitting their stride again. The SNL I grew up with was the rebounding of the 90s with Hartman, Carvey, Lovitz, Dunn, Jackson, Nealon, Miller, and Hooks; but it was also a time where cable started to run the classic first Not Ready for Prime Time Players as well. Anyway, if you have 12 minutes, go ahead and watch. I will wait. So for me- I assume everyone has their minds made up about Warren and Sanders, right? Biden can't make it a night without a gaffe. He answered a question about Domestic Violence by saying you got to "keep punching" . He also said he had the support of the " Only Black Female Senator " which ignored the fact that Kamala Harris w...