The 2020 Election Has Begun- It's Not a Real Campaign, Until You Have TV ads....

The question is when is it not campaign season in Iowa.

Well, undoubtedly, there is talk right after the election.

Even before that, people look 6-8 years out. But a true barometer is the campaign ad, and sure enough, we got out first one.

So the answer must be 15 months. 15 months since November 2016.

As you might now, the Super Bowl is famous for its ads, but they also save some room for local ads. So, even with all the 5 million dollar ads, you have to make room for the local grocery store and car dealers (and this year, this wonderful Super Bull ad.) In which case, Presidential candidate John Delaney (and at this point, he is the only candidate) went ahead and bought an ad to air during the Super Bowl.

Yes, 1008 days out.

The ad ran in most of the major Iowa television markets (Des Moines, Sioux City, Davenport, and Cedar Rapids) and cost $37,000 according to CNN, who also reported we are just barely closer to the 2020 caucuses than we are from the 2016 caucuses. To Delaney's credit, it would seem logical to get his message out before anyone else for name recognition. If eh waits too long, he will be overshadowed by bigger names, and this being 2020, that may not only mean Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Cory Booker, but indeed Oprah Winfrey, Dwayne Johnson and Mark Cuban, Delaney's ad's theme is one that seems a bit old-fashioned.

(Pic credit: Quad City Times)


Sounds old fashioned?

 Now I grew up in those golden Ronald Reagan-Tip O'Neil days, but I look at my social media feeds and that feels like it was 300 years ago, not 30. Bi-partisanship is no longer the buzzword that attracts like it used to. Liberals think of bipartisanship as Bill Clinton selling out a Democrat Agenda to appease Newt Gingrich. Conservatives attack those who cross the aisle as RINOs.

Delaney indeed won't appeal to the left side of the Democrat party. His most often comparison is that of Joe Lieberman, and given that the caucus tends to pull from the bluest of the blue staters, it's unlikely that will be considered a good thing. On the other hand, if he can find an audience, he certainly is trying to play a Conservative Iowa theme that might have some appeal in this purple-ish of states. He's not Bernie. He's not even Hillary. But he does come across blue collar and traditional values.

We will see if his gamble pays off. That said, there's possible downsides to starting so early. I remember Tim Pawlenty's failure to launch. Pawlenty, similarly had a feel-good approach, and started early to try to offset his uphill climb against established politicos like Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. He just spent a lot of money and was otherwise ignored.

 Iowa is just starting another campaign - the 2018 Gubernatorial race. It will be competitive as it is the first time it looks to be really competitive in years. Iowa is about to be besieged with tons of ads and even some candidates they aren't that familiar with.

This probably leaves even less room for Delaney, but we shall see what happens.


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