We're Getting The Band Back Together

Celebrities have always been a part of politics. I am grateful that I have got to see musicians and actors in person that I otherwise might not have seen. But I know that for me, I’m never going to vote for someone because a celebrity told me. Ok, maybe Lynda Carter. I know people don’t care what celebrities think, because Conservatives post it all the time on social media. It is usually posted on a timeline between shares of “Watch James Woods own this interviewer” and “The shocking thing Rob Schneider just revealed”. Indeed, it’s often hard to see where celebrity endorsements end and quotes added to a picture begin. For many years, Sam Elliott’s picture has been used as the poster boy of no-nonsense no-BS plain speaking. I wonder how many people who have posted quotes attributed to Sam really know he’s riding with Biden (or if you want to be specific like Snopes, he didn't publicl endorse, but he did lend his voice for a Biden campaign ad ). Some of the most surprising Celebrity...