
Showing posts from June, 2020

2024 Election Starts Now

It's hard to believe that a year ago we were in a hotly contested race, and now things are pretty firmed up (if you couldn't tell from all the mudslinging). This blog started as a place to share thoughts with a small group of friends, and evolved into something bigger.  I am fortunate for that, but as we are hitting this moment, I am more reflective than I am 'in the moment'. I was fortunate to spend a few minutes with several candidates who came to Iowa- Pete Buttigieg, Dan Behrman, Adam Kokesh, Ken Armstrong and Sam Robb.  Although none of them will be on the General Election ballot, each one of them re-energized me in what it means to be a citizen, and work for a better future.  There were at least a half dozen candidates who I saw either speak in person or communicated with via email.  As we move into the "At least, I am not as a bad option as my opponent" portion of the election, let's not forget the optimism of the early days, and good ideas do...

Book Review: 1920: The Year of the Six Presidents

There might not be anyone who turns elections into the most exciting reading material than David Pietrusza.  He has received plaudits from George W. Bush, Karl Rove, and Glenn Beck, and with reason, he's a master storyteller when it comes to Presidential races. What does "The Year of the Six Presidents" mean?  The basis of this book is that the 1920 election was dominated by six personalities- former and future Presidents, and (due to the 22nd Amendment) we are unlikely to ever see that again. In 1919, Teddy Roosevelt, after his failed 1912 third party campaign- looks to be a favorite and undoubtedly headed back to the White House as a Republican. Unfortunately, he dies that same year.  Woodrow Wilson is the current President, and although he is too ill and too unpopular to likely win a third term, it is his (not so) secret desire to be nominated. William Howard Taft is not one of the six Presidents mentioned, as he is a non-contributor, only interested in ful...