2024 Election Starts Now

It's hard to believe that a year ago we were in a hotly contested race, and now things are pretty firmed up (if you couldn't tell from all the mudslinging). This blog started as a place to share thoughts with a small group of friends, and evolved into something bigger. I am fortunate for that, but as we are hitting this moment, I am more reflective than I am 'in the moment'. I was fortunate to spend a few minutes with several candidates who came to Iowa- Pete Buttigieg, Dan Behrman, Adam Kokesh, Ken Armstrong and Sam Robb. Although none of them will be on the General Election ballot, each one of them re-energized me in what it means to be a citizen, and work for a better future. There were at least a half dozen candidates who I saw either speak in person or communicated with via email. As we move into the "At least, I am not as a bad option as my opponent" portion of the election, let's not forget the optimism of the early days, and good ideas do...