A Friend of the Blog goes to see Beto O'Rourke and a few of my observations -EXCLUSIVE
This being Iowa and me finding a few politically minded friends over the years, I thought I would dedicate this post to them.
There are house parties and meet and greets which are a bizarre phenomenon when you think about it. Mitt Romney spent a New Year’s Day in walking distance of my house.
I had a friend host Elizabeth Warren’s camp for a House Party. They said the love Iowa and were fans of Scotcharoos. The chocolate and butterscotch topped Rice Krispie bar desert is particularly loved in Iowa.

That kind of story is my favorite. For all of the bickering on social media, we can still occasionally find common ground
Another friend attendee Cory Booker’s Memorial Day Barbecue. This event drew about 300 but how many show up at an event like that for the free food?
I have a relative who’s an elected official in Western Iowa. Because of geography, towns like Carroll (Population: 10,000) and Dennison (Pop: 8000) have become as frequent stops as larger cities like Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Davenport and Iowa City.
I figured a blue voter in the reddest area of the country might be the insight the Dems need. Besides, Trump didn’t win because Republicans voted for him. He won because some Democrats did Unfortunately, I couldn’t pry anything worthwhile from him. “It’s way too early” , he said. Though he had went to see Beto and was looking forward to possibly seeing others.
Lastly, I dedicate this post to a friend who went and saw Beto in the southeast part of the state and shared his story with me.
He is active in the Iowa Libertarian Party and I salute him for being open minded in a world of forwarded internet memes and “copy and paste” social media.
With 24 Democrat candidates and a Republican administration best summed up by men like Jeff Sessions and Mike Pence, one would think the Dems would be ripe for a Libertarian candidate. To be the party of social freedoms, the children (and grandchildren) of the 60s, the party of Stonewall and the Dead, Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg, and the counterpoint of Phylis Schlafley and Anita Bryant- well, they sure seem to like to nominate people like Al Gore and Joe Lieberman.
Beto O’Rourke is a Democrat who almost won a statewide Texas race. There might be something there.
He said Beto was rather canned and his answers were pretty well rehearsed. The standout questions to him were about voters rights, and Beto was less prepared for these. Pushed on a question about ballot access and steering his answer away from executive orders (which he speaks out about when Trump uses them) and states’ rights, he found a a safe response about a Constitutional amendment.
Also when asked about the Electoral College, he equated it to slavery. (Slaves like the American people are only a fraction of a vote). For me, it’s a bit of a tough sell to ever compare anything to slavery.
I know for me personally that at this point in time I don’t trust a Democrat advocating a popular vote or a Republican voicing support for the Electoral College. Call me when recent events have passed some time and you can tell me what you really think (even if it is against your interest).
Beto did not tailor a message to a more rural audience, and in line with what I have heard before, he struggles when pushed for specifics. That said, Beto certainly should get credit for traveling all over the state and meeting Iowans.
As a Libertarian, my friend was not persuaded by Beto. His words were that Beto's answers did not mesh with his idea as a Libertarian that states should maintain power over the federal government (and equating the Electoral College to slavery was one hell of a stretch.)
Even with more Dems running for President than you can count on your toes and fingers, there is little to offer Libertarian voters like him. Almost everyone in the Party is in lockstep over Medicare for Everyone and Free College.
In the crowd, Tulsi Gabbard remains the only candidate with stands that might be reflective of an Evan McMullin or Ron Paul, and ironically, she is out of the Bernie Sanders wing of the party.
I thank my friend Mike for sharing his experience seeing Beto with me and allowing me to use it here, as well as some exclusive pictures.

There are house parties and meet and greets which are a bizarre phenomenon when you think about it. Mitt Romney spent a New Year’s Day in walking distance of my house.
I had a friend host Elizabeth Warren’s camp for a House Party. They said the love Iowa and were fans of Scotcharoos. The chocolate and butterscotch topped Rice Krispie bar desert is particularly loved in Iowa.

That kind of story is my favorite. For all of the bickering on social media, we can still occasionally find common ground
Another friend attendee Cory Booker’s Memorial Day Barbecue. This event drew about 300 but how many show up at an event like that for the free food?
I have a relative who’s an elected official in Western Iowa. Because of geography, towns like Carroll (Population: 10,000) and Dennison (Pop: 8000) have become as frequent stops as larger cities like Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Davenport and Iowa City.
I figured a blue voter in the reddest area of the country might be the insight the Dems need. Besides, Trump didn’t win because Republicans voted for him. He won because some Democrats did Unfortunately, I couldn’t pry anything worthwhile from him. “It’s way too early” , he said. Though he had went to see Beto and was looking forward to possibly seeing others.
Lastly, I dedicate this post to a friend who went and saw Beto in the southeast part of the state and shared his story with me.
He is active in the Iowa Libertarian Party and I salute him for being open minded in a world of forwarded internet memes and “copy and paste” social media.
With 24 Democrat candidates and a Republican administration best summed up by men like Jeff Sessions and Mike Pence, one would think the Dems would be ripe for a Libertarian candidate. To be the party of social freedoms, the children (and grandchildren) of the 60s, the party of Stonewall and the Dead, Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg, and the counterpoint of Phylis Schlafley and Anita Bryant- well, they sure seem to like to nominate people like Al Gore and Joe Lieberman.
Beto O’Rourke is a Democrat who almost won a statewide Texas race. There might be something there.
He said Beto was rather canned and his answers were pretty well rehearsed. The standout questions to him were about voters rights, and Beto was less prepared for these. Pushed on a question about ballot access and steering his answer away from executive orders (which he speaks out about when Trump uses them) and states’ rights, he found a a safe response about a Constitutional amendment.
Also when asked about the Electoral College, he equated it to slavery. (Slaves like the American people are only a fraction of a vote). For me, it’s a bit of a tough sell to ever compare anything to slavery.
I know for me personally that at this point in time I don’t trust a Democrat advocating a popular vote or a Republican voicing support for the Electoral College. Call me when recent events have passed some time and you can tell me what you really think (even if it is against your interest).
Beto did not tailor a message to a more rural audience, and in line with what I have heard before, he struggles when pushed for specifics. That said, Beto certainly should get credit for traveling all over the state and meeting Iowans.
As a Libertarian, my friend was not persuaded by Beto. His words were that Beto's answers did not mesh with his idea as a Libertarian that states should maintain power over the federal government (and equating the Electoral College to slavery was one hell of a stretch.)
Even with more Dems running for President than you can count on your toes and fingers, there is little to offer Libertarian voters like him. Almost everyone in the Party is in lockstep over Medicare for Everyone and Free College.
In the crowd, Tulsi Gabbard remains the only candidate with stands that might be reflective of an Evan McMullin or Ron Paul, and ironically, she is out of the Bernie Sanders wing of the party.
I thank my friend Mike for sharing his experience seeing Beto with me and allowing me to use it here, as well as some exclusive pictures.

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