Iowa Pulse

In my spare time, I like to write about politics. I am selfish so it has always been more of a hobby than something I put too much effort into, but I do like to share some tales. This summer is primetime for candidate appearances as the Presidential field is wide open and I wanted to share this. I do go to the local parade and of course, check out the political content of the day. The last couple of years, politics filled the air and not in a good way. There was definitely an air of contention and one side versus another. I actually was at a smalltown parade that went nationwide viral for a Hillary for Prison float. So, i just wanted to say that this year went back to that pre-2020 feel of patriotism and the political mood was more of Pride than Hate. There's no real debate in the Democratic side of things. There are opposition candidates but they are outsiders. The real interest was the Republican side. Now, everything here is circumsta...