Will you shut up, man?

We are 48 hours past the first debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Much will be written though I can’t imagine anyone will have changed their opinion. It takes me back to a year ago when I was scrutinizing the Democrats candidates as possible debate opponents for Donald Trump. While I don’t think anyone was able to dominate the debate stage- at various moments there were Pete Buttigieg always level- headed and unshaken, Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor and Marianne Williamson, a public speaker who focused on lifestyle not policy. Even more unlikely than Williamson, at various times, it seemed like some unorthodox candidates might emerge. In the early days of the campaign, Michael Avenatti seemed an alternative elixir for the “they go low, we go high”. Later, it was comedian Ben Glieb who surely had handled a heckler or two in his career. I can only propose what I would do in a debate with 45, but the point is moot, the nominee chosen. This isn’t the dirtiest campaign...