Local Media Kicks The Caucus Around Again

Living in Iowa, the Caucus has always been something I write about. I love all manner of Presidential politics, but I have branded my writing around the Caucus, since I have such an upfront view of it. It is an important part of Iowa's role in the nation. So, little doubt why it showed up again as the headline story of the Des Moines Register this past Sunday. While I know it would be inaccurate reporting to gloss over the failings of the Iowa Caucus, I think many Iowa media outlets delight in the 'trainwreck' aspect. The article highlights words like 'fiasco' and 'disaster'. Yet it leaves out any mention of the App and the usage of it, nor does it mention that things were complicated when the -for-private-use- phone numbers were shared online, and lines were jammed by trolls and National media. Some Dems I know will tell you that they want change too, but I think much of the furor comes from the outside looking in. There was a t...